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There's so much that's NEW this year at the annual PAWS Auction!

Many of you have been attending the PAWS December auction for years. And every year we get a great turnout, and lots of support for our efforts to help people get their pets spayed or neutered. And this year, our auction is going to be better than ever.

Bring your cash and your checkbooks, and spend the day with us,

all for a great cause!

  • Where: The Zanesville Welcome Center (205 N 5th Street, near the Muskingum County Library) -- downtown, with lots of free parking!

  • When: Saturday, December 9, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm (see detailed schedule below).

Quite a bit of the auction is the same as last year:

  • You can browse over 90 themed baskets filled with gift cards, wines, overnight stays, jewelry, signed art work, golf packages, zoo tickets, pet supplies, and much more -- WHEW!

  • We will have a Christmas store, with everything from pet sweaters in all sizes, toys, leashes, pet beds, and lots of special goodies.

  • There will be a 50/50 drawing and a "penny social", or Chinese auction raffle as well.

But look at what's new this year!

  • Live entertainment! Mike Hawley will be performing holiday favorites.

  • Bake sale! Our devoted volunteers have been working all week to provide goodies for your Christmas table -- we will have cookies and other baked goods for sale!

  • And if that's not all -- you can meet and connect with some of our adoptable cats! Downstairs at the welcome center we will have a cat room with kitties for snuggling (and adoption, of course!

Here's the planned schedule:

  • The doors open at 9:00 am - bidding for the auction items begins.

  • The Chinese (penny social) auctions will end at 2:00 pm.

  • The silent auction will end at 2:30 pm.

  • The 50/50 raffle drawing will be held at 2:45 pm.

  • Baked goods on sale until we run out!

  • Meet the kitties throughout!

Hope to see everyone there!

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